(I've seen this only on MTV. Its called something like City Hunt. For 3 hours we had to run all over the city and accomplish 22 tasks. We drew our names so our team included 10 different people as in personality. We called ourselves The Infallibles. Let's see how things worked:)
1. Scrieti-va cate o litera din numele echipei pe talpa stanga si formati un cuvant.
(Write a letter from the name of your team, on your left sole and form a word.)
2. Cele mai strambacioase figuri.
(The best funny faces.)
3. Inghesuiti intr-o cabina telefonica.
(Squeezed in a phone booth.)
4. Cereti unei maturatoare obiectul muncii iar daca aveti vesta ei pe voi, bonus.
(Ask a street sweeper his broom and do his work. Bonus, if you have his coat on you.)
5. Luati pulsul unei farmaciste.
(Take the blood pressure of a chemist.)
6. Spalati parbrizele a 5 masini intr-o intersectie si cereti bani. Bonus, daca una dintre masini e Honda.
(Wash 5 cars in an intersection and ask for money. Bonus, if one of the cars is a Honda.)
See our nice, beautiful Honda?:)
7. Poza cu o reptila. Daca e in jurul gatului si e sarpe bonus.
(Picture with a reptile. Bonus if its a snake around your neck.)
N-am avut de unde, dar e si dragonasul ala bun la ceva:)
(We couldn't find any, but this little dragon is worth something too.)
8. Probat de incaltaminte pe piciorul stang. Bonus daca sunt adidasi albi.
(Try shoes on your left foot. Bonus if they are white sneakers.)
Singurii care am facut poza in grup;))
(Only ones who took a group picture.)
9. Poza lipiti de geamul unui magazin.
(Stuck to a shop's window.)
10. Hora Unirii in piata cu acelasi nume, cantand Hai sa dam mana cu mana! (poza + video)
(A traditional dance in Romania in Unity Square, while singing a traditional romanian song.)
11. In aer.
(In the air.)
12. O masina cu peste 200.000 km la bord.
(With a car with over 200.000 km on board.)
13. Alimentati o masina la benzinarie. Bonus daca e Toyota Auris neagra.
(Filling the tank of a car. Bonus if it's a black Toyota Auris.)
E clar ca Dumnezeu ne-a pus masina in drum;))
(Of course God planted this car on our way.)
14. Langa un simbol sau o sigla care sa aiba denumirea unui din echipa. Bonus daca este nume din Biblie.
(Near a symbol or a sign with the name of someone in our team. Bonus if its a biblical name.)
Am avut-o pe Melinda in echipa.
(We had Melinda in our team.)
15. Intrati in baia unui membru din echipa, inchideti usa si trageti apa.
(Walk into a team's member bath, close the door and flush the toilet.)
(In the air.)
12. O masina cu peste 200.000 km la bord.
(With a car with over 200.000 km on board.)
13. Alimentati o masina la benzinarie. Bonus daca e Toyota Auris neagra.
(Filling the tank of a car. Bonus if it's a black Toyota Auris.)
E clar ca Dumnezeu ne-a pus masina in drum;))
(Of course God planted this car on our way.)
14. Langa un simbol sau o sigla care sa aiba denumirea unui din echipa. Bonus daca este nume din Biblie.
(Near a symbol or a sign with the name of someone in our team. Bonus if its a biblical name.)
Am avut-o pe Melinda in echipa.
(We had Melinda in our team.)
15. Intrati in baia unui membru din echipa, inchideti usa si trageti apa.
(Walk into a team's member bath, close the door and flush the toilet.)
16. Faceti poza cu o masina de politie cu usile deschise. Bonus daca unul dintre voi este in masina. Super bonus daca sunt 5 dintre voi in masina.
Din pacate nu am dat peste nici-un politist care sa nu fie speriat de Youtube sau bloguri;)) asa ca... data viitoare aceasta sarcina:)
(Take a picture near a police car with doors open. Bonus if one of you is in the car. Super bonus if 5 of you are in the car. Infortunately, we didn't cross any unfreaked of Youtube and blogs cop so..next time!)
17. Poza intr-un vagon de tren. Bonus daca este locomotiva. Nu am mai avut timp sa ajungem si la gara. Asadar... next time!
(Take a picture in a train. Bonus if it's a locomotive. But, we run out of time so we didn't make it to the train station. Also, next time!)
18. Mergeti la cineva care nu este membru din echipa si salutati-l cu: Ce mult ma bucur sa te vad!
(Visit someone who is not a team member and greet him with: how pleased am i to see you!)
19. Poza la mormantul lui Eminescu. Bonus cine aduce lista cu cele mai multe titluri de poezii scrise de el.
(Take a picture at the Eminescu's grave, [he is the most famous writer in Romania]. Bonus who brings the longest list with poems title he wrote.)
20. Cantati imnul Romaniei in fata unui steag.
(Sing Romania's hymn near a flag.)
21. Urcati scarile rulante care coboara.
(Go up on a escalator that is going down.)
22. Cireasa de pe tort si cea mai penibila dintre toate:
Cantati un colind in metrou intre doua statii.
(And the best of the best and the top unpleasant task was to sing a carol in a subway train between stations.)
Din pacate nu am dat peste nici-un politist care sa nu fie speriat de Youtube sau bloguri;)) asa ca... data viitoare aceasta sarcina:)
(Take a picture near a police car with doors open. Bonus if one of you is in the car. Super bonus if 5 of you are in the car. Infortunately, we didn't cross any unfreaked of Youtube and blogs cop so..next time!)
17. Poza intr-un vagon de tren. Bonus daca este locomotiva. Nu am mai avut timp sa ajungem si la gara. Asadar... next time!
(Take a picture in a train. Bonus if it's a locomotive. But, we run out of time so we didn't make it to the train station. Also, next time!)
18. Mergeti la cineva care nu este membru din echipa si salutati-l cu: Ce mult ma bucur sa te vad!
(Visit someone who is not a team member and greet him with: how pleased am i to see you!)
19. Poza la mormantul lui Eminescu. Bonus cine aduce lista cu cele mai multe titluri de poezii scrise de el.
(Take a picture at the Eminescu's grave, [he is the most famous writer in Romania]. Bonus who brings the longest list with poems title he wrote.)
20. Cantati imnul Romaniei in fata unui steag.
(Sing Romania's hymn near a flag.)
21. Urcati scarile rulante care coboara.
(Go up on a escalator that is going down.)
22. Cireasa de pe tort si cea mai penibila dintre toate:
Cantati un colind in metrou intre doua statii.
(And the best of the best and the top unpleasant task was to sing a carol in a subway train between stations.)
In concluzie, am facut bataturi in picioare si o febra musculara de neimaginat dar s-a meritat, ne-am distrat pe cinste si am reusit sa cunosc o parte dintre cei cu care doar ma salutam in biserica, deci tot e ceva :) Nu sunt in toate pozele pentru ca m-am ocupat de regie, filmat si pozat. Astept o alta sambata de pomina!
(In the end, i had corns in my feet and muscular fever but it all worth it, we had a great time and i got to know some of the people i was just saying hi in the church. I am not in all the pictures because i was in charge with the direction, recording and taking pictures. I can't wait to another Saturday to remember!)
(In the end, i had corns in my feet and muscular fever but it all worth it, we had a great time and i got to know some of the people i was just saying hi in the church. I am not in all the pictures because i was in charge with the direction, recording and taking pictures. I can't wait to another Saturday to remember!)
3 comentarii:
foarte tare
neatza si scuze de deranj, am ajuns din intamplare pe blogul tau, mi-am aruncat un ochi si zic interesant, poate vrei sa arunci si tu un ochi in ograda blogului meu... toate bune
Super tare, cred ca v-ati distrat tare mult :p
Ne-am distrat tareee;))
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